||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||| WELCOME TO PUZZLEMANIA! ||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||
Macintosh & Power Macintosh versions
A. Installation
B. Tips & Hints
- General Hints
- Memory
- Video
- Skipping the main menu
C. Known Problems
D. Stuff for Grown Ups
E. Thanks & Credits
_______________________ A. Installation _____________________
Please refer to the booklet that came with your CD-ROM for instructions on how to install PUZZLEMANIA. Here's a recap:
1. Insert PUZZLEMANIA into your CD-ROM drive
2. Double-click the "Install QuickTime™ 2.5" icon, if necessary and follow the Installer directions.
3. Double-click the PUZZLEMANIA icon on the CD-ROM. If you have a Power Macintosh, double-click on the PUZZLEMANIA Power Mac icon.
______________________ B. Tips & Hints _____________________
1. Review the instructions in the booklet that came with PUZZLEMANIA
2. Be sure to exit all other programs before you start
3. If things run slowly, try restarting your computer then opening PUZZLEMANIA first
4. Turn off any screensavers you may have running
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You will need 5 megabytes of available RAM to run PUZZLEMANIA. Machines with less RAM may have problems, especially with sound and animation.
We strongly recommend that you turn off virtual memory before running PUZZLEMANIA.
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You need to have your monitor set to display 256 colors (8-bit color). If you are using a 13" or 14" multiple resolution monitor, we recommend that you have it set to display 640x480 pixels so everything is easier to see.
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If you would like to skip the introductory sequence and go directly to the puzzle index, hold down the shift key and the Z key immediately after opening PUZZLEMANIA.
____________________ C. Known Problems ____________________
Once you've chosen your favorite puzzles by using the "+ Puzzles -" button on the bottom edge of the screen, you will need to keep at least two puzzles in your puzzle suitcase at all times. If you want to make room for new puzzles, first add two new puzzles, then go back and delete the two you don't want anymore.
___________________ D. Stuff for Grown Ups ___________________
You can access the adult version of Find It by holding down the shift key while clicking on the scrolling Find It menu car. Adult Find It contains presorted puzzle lists that will help your child exercise a particular learning skill.
____________________ E. Thanks & Credits ____________________
The creators of the PUZZLEMANIA CD-ROM would like to thank the following artists and authors for their contributions to this product.
Lynn Adams, Patti Argoff, Bill Basso, John Bennett, Joe Boddy, Frank Bolle, Terry Burton, Dominic Catalano, Liisa Chauncy Guida, Caroline Church, Melvin Conrad, Mark Corcoran, Robert Cuenca, Jon Davis, Lisa Dayer, Susanne DeMarco, Chuck Dillon, Eric Dolnack, Tom Dowlin, Tim Ellis, Jennifer Fink, George Fryer, Patrick Girouard, Unada Gliewe, Deanna Goodenough, Valeri Gorbachev, Barbara Gray, Teresa Howell, Judith Hunt, Richard Johnson, Charles Jordan, Terry Kovalcik, Holly Kowitt, Charles Lin, Stephanie Longfoot, Margeaux Lucas, Belinda Lyon, John Manders, Maurie Jo Manning, Steve Mantinaos, Anni Matsick, Pat Merrill, Marc Nadel, Sherry Neidigh, John Nez, Teresa O'Brien, R. Michael Palan, Dennis Panek, Tom Powers, Peach Reynolds, John Rice, Paul Richer, Mike Ricketts, Terry Rogers, Joe Seidita, Rob Sepanak, Jeff Shelly, Jennifer Skopp, Rosilano Solomon, Jeff Stahler, Carol Sutherby, Doug Taylor, Karen Tushingham, Gregg Valley, Randy Verougstraete, Kit Wray, Jerry Zimmerman
Betty Lou Adamovich, Salvatore Agliano, Carsten Ahrens, George Anderson, Karen Anderson, Janice Angelini, Anna Archer, Ann Armbruster, Stacy Babcock, Barbara Backer, Samuel Backer, Connie Barnes, Bill Basso, Anne Bell, Siri Bletzer, Joe Boddy, Jan Burland, Genevieve Bylinowski, David Cameron, Christopher Cardillo, Frances Carfi Matranga, Michael Carter, D.J. Castellon, Catherine Cella, Rosie Centrone, Diane Cheffy, Diane Cherkerzian, Margaret Chianis, Madeline Cohen, Debra Cole, Lloydene Cook, Connie Crandall Crosby, Jane Cross, Sheryl Cvijanovich, Donald DiMarco, Merri Lou Dobler, Patricia Dombrink, James Dorr, Debbie Driscoll, Guinevere Durham, Cathy Earhart, Margaret Edmiston, Ruth Ekstrom, Priscilla Eldredge, Carol Engelhaupt, Sandra Moon Farley, Ann Fisher, Roberta Foster, Mary Funderberg, Evelyn Furey, Anita Glockner, Barbara Gray, Jeanette Grote, Susan Hall, Don Hamann, Milt Hammer, Jeanne Hargett, Phillis Henry, Kari Hickman, Elaine Hilowitz, Richard Hohl, Tammy Hooker, Fannie Houck, Patricia Hunt, Joan Jackson, M.E. Jacobs, Carolyn Johnson, Dorothy Johnson, Judith Kalbaugh, Susan Keavney, Pauline Kerwath, Eleanor Klein, Cari Koerner, Virginia Kroll, J. David Lambert, Frank Landis, Vivian Langford, Ellen Larson, Marie Latta, Richard Latta, C. Lebowitz, Patricia LeRoy, Juliana Lewis, Annette Lingelbach, Isobel Livingstone, Reni Macarelli, Jane Mackay, Susan Macy, Louis Magila, Mark Malcolm, Rene Marcarelli, Shirley Marshall, Lois Martinec, Thomas Mase, Jo Mason, Frances Matranga, Jo-Elyn Matthews, Pat McGivern, Darcie McNally, Pat Merrill, Clare Mishica, R. Moller, Linda Molloy, Johnny Ray Moore, Teresa Lynn Morning Star, Karen Morrell, Dian Mueller, Beth Murray, Phyllis Nielson, Lori Olsen, Jan Onffroy, Milly Osvold Wells, Lenora Pack, Donna Lugg Pape, Joyce Patton, McKenzie Perrin, Kathleen Pestotnik Iverson, Philip Pipero, Dana Pratola, Jane Priewe, Karen Raab Bernardo, Ernest Ranucci, Donna Rehm-Siple, Pat Relf, Arline Rose, Linda Rose, Gloria Rosenthal, Jacqueline Schiff, Mary Ann Schuller, Marilyn Senterfitt, Jennifer Schulze, Anita Sitarski, Bette Sondike, Verda Spickelmier, Eve Stone, Donna Stramella, S.L. Stukey, Diane Sweatman, Holly Swisher, Patricia Talley, Maudie Templeton, Pat Thomas, Sherry Timberman, Willow Jean Tompkins, Bernard Traciak, Kelly Trumble, Kathy Trupp, F.D. Uptain, Carol Upton, Jane Van Der Werff, Marjon van Oort, Jackie Vaughan, Denise Vega-Perkins, Jacqueline Vickerstaff, Marion Walker, Freddie Ware, Barbara Weakley, Charles Weaver, Elizabeth Wisz, Arleen Wixtrom, Julie Woodman, Rita Yessick, Jabeen Yusufali, Karen Zeinert, Barbara Zelnick
All of the folks who worked on the PUZZLEMANIA CD-ROM hope you have a great time!